Saturday, October 25, 2008

Religulous (2008)

If you think you're going to like a movie whose title combines the words RELIGION and RIDICULOUS, you will love this. If you already like Bill Maher (star, writer and producer of Religulous), you will love this. If you laughed hysterically at Borat (2006) (also directed by Larry Charles), you will love this. If you're a Michael Moore fan, you will love this. Jack and I fall into all those categories, and we loved it. If you fall into none of them, don't say I didn't warn you. Bill Maher travels the world and interviews and annoys people of all faiths. He throws in asides and jokes to the camera while keeping his manners. There are additional gags in the form of subtitles decrying what the interviewers are saying, great clips, even a soundtrack joke (I heard the classical guitar notes and pondered for several minutes before realizing it was the Oscar winning theme from Brokeback Mountain (2005)). Maher gets refreshingly personal and includes footage of his sister and octogenarian mother. Stay until the end of the credits--there is a bonus.

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