Sunday, February 27, 2011

Waste Land (2010)

We really liked this Oscar-nominated feature-length documentary about Vik Muniz, a Brooklyn-based Brazilian artist, who returns to his homeland to make art and interact with the workers in the world's biggest landfill outside Rio de Janeiro. So glad it it's not in Smell-o-Vision! Muniz chose marvellously photogenic subjects who pick through the trash, sometimes from right under the dump truck, and pull out the recyclables to sell to make their livings. They have complex, interesting lives and great fortitude and resilience. I got a little misty just now, watching the trailer. Muniz is completely at ease in front of the camera and, brimming with self-confidence and warmth, he gives strength to his new friends as he changes their lives forever. He does not, however, answer the question sometimes attributed to George W. Bush: how many is a Brazilian?

The fabulous music, by the artist known as Moby, doesn't seem to be available as a soundtrack or on any links, but here's a song from his new free EP. It's too bad we haven't seen three of the five nominated docs, but this one and Exit Through the Gift Shop are extraordinary. Now I have to get out of my chair and do some cardio before sitting down again to watch five hours of red carpet and awards tonight!

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